Every Photo Has A Story

Rowlett, Texas

Except this one.

This pic is just me trying to look sexy/adorable/serious and pretend like I’m photographing something, so that I myself can be photographed photographing.

See? See what I'm doing? (I'm nailing it!)

But if you clicked on it, maybe you are interested in PHOTOGRAPHY? Good. You're in the right place! Just keep scrolling down.


So... Why Does Every Photo Have A Story?

This website is a work in progress, but I have decided to try and eventually include an EXPLANATION WITH ALMOST EVERY PHOTOGRAPH.

Clicking on photos IN THE GALLERY will sometimes reveal helpful information. More likely, though, it will lead you to a disappointing story that is not at all what you hoped it would be about.
Clicking on photos IN THE GALLERY will sometimes reveal helpful information. More likely, though, it will lead you to a disappointing story that is not at all what you hoped it would be about.

We've all been there, you're at an art gallery or on a website, and the photos are lovely, but you have NO IDEA what you are looking at. It's so frustrating, right!?

Where was the photo taken? Who's that in it? Or sometimes... What even is this?

Sure, this is cool... But what is it??
Sure, this is cool... But what is it??

Artist's portfolio websites are notoriously confusing. You could have sworn their bio said that they were a hair and makeup artist, but isn't this a picture of a cheetah running in a field? So... what are you missing here?

Before you refill your wine glass and start leaning in closer, trying to convince yourself that maybe that cheetah has eyeliner on, don't you wish you simply had more information about the art? About the artist? Did this dude even take these photos? If so -- where, how, and why?

First, unless otherwise noted, I took every photo you see. Next, you're welcome. And lastly, I apologize.

You're welcome, because I have taken the time to write information on an overwhelming number of my photographs. But I apologize, because if it's useful, technical, information you're after (like what lighting or lenses I used), sorry, I abandoned that path almost immediately. I found it extremely boring and tedious to write. Instead, you get a mixed bag of my musings, mostly about drug and alcohol addiction. Surprise, lucky you!

Which is why it is important to me that you must CHOOSE to click and scroll and view my writings; that way, I can be as inappropriate or as meandering as I like. Always remember: if you find yourself reading my articles, you did this to yourself, and only you can make it stop!

It is very possible you will find that you like me much better as a photographer than you do a person, in which case, please ignore what I've written, and just go back to enjoying my pretty pictures.

Maybe the cheetah does have eyeliner on. DOES IT REALLY MATTER?



Say Cheese!

You Are So Lucky, Your Camera Takes Such Good Photographs!

The Subject is YOU!

Kids Lean In Closer to Better Understand Man Bun
Kids Lean In Closer to Better Understand Man Bun
Kids Lean In to Better Understand Man Bun

A Lesson: Snow = Good, Toothpaste Splatter = Bad

Wake Up Early

Man on Wall with Pokemon on Head

Let This Be A Lesson To All Of You!

Mimi's Missionary Position

The Camera Crew Hikes Too

Faces for Face Bills!

They Shoot Lions, Don't They?

Charmed, I'm Sure

Funeral Slideshow

Doors of Morocco by Ryan Covington

Ashley, She Will Be Missed

Do You, Wedding Photographer, Take This Paycheck...

The Perfect Shot

And now, Janelle has found a river AND the snow. Fantastic.
And now, Janelle has found a river AND the snow. Fantastic.
Janelle: Catalyst J Lifestyle Shoot

Flush The Toilet Fruit

Shots Fired Downstream

My House

Dying To Shoot A Family Portrait

Dog Poo, the guileful nemesis of every residential landscape photographer!
Dog Poo, the guileful nemesis of every residential landscape photographer!
Me? Just Here Shooting the Shit