The Camera Crew Hikes Too

Everest Region, Nepal

Any time you are looking at a photograph of someone doing something spectacular out in nature or watching a show about people ice fishing in Alaska, or hiking high in the mountains, or trekking across the dessert, just remember -- the photographer and film crew had to basically do all of that too, and probably while carrying a shit-ton of camera gear! You just don't always get to see them.

Every time I watch one of those "extreme" shows where someone is supposed to be living off the land or hunting their own food or competing to "survive," my first thought is always, I wonder if only a couple yards away, just off-screen of where this person is trying to wrestle down a wombat to skin and supposedly eat for dinner or whatever, there is a giant Craft Services table spread out with muffins and bagels for the crew.

If only they still had CARGO PANTS, I bet you for a small fee, the crew would smuggle the contestant a stale bagel or something...

Unrelated, HERE is a photo of the first time a I witnessed someone drain and skin an entire dead animal. My immediate takeaway was that if this is what we had to personally do, each and every time we wanted to eat some meat, I wonder how many more VEGETARIANS there would be in the world? I'm pretty sure in any post-apocalyptic scenario I would just have to learn to be content eating BERRIES AND GARBAGE.


If you haven't already, you should read my full "review" of trekking to EVEREST BASE CAMP HERE!