Fishing For Romance

Telluride, Colorado

This is an excerpt from a larger list, where I give various activities a Sober Fun rating of 1-10. Entries from this list are scattered throughout my website, or you can find that complete list HERE.



As I've mentioned before, in regards to the regular version, FISHING is just an excuse to get drunk. I don't see how ice fishing would be any different, except now you're just twice as cold. Plus, you know the grocery store also has a frozen fish section, right?

However, I am willing to make an exception once and only once, because my VEGETARIAN PARTNER SETH has told me that he would be willing to compromise his vegetarianism and eat a fish with me, so long as he himself caught it. He has promised to catch me a fish, cook it for me, and then we'll eat it together. And I think that sounds wonderful, except, um... Seth? Who is going to CLEAN this fish?

It sounded all romantic at first, but in reality, more like we'd need to hire and bring along a third person. Someone to waddle along behind us, and eventually step in and figure out what to do with said fish, once Seth somehow catches it. I've certainly never killed and cleaned a fish, have you, Seth? I've heard it's slightly more complicated than cleaning a head of lettuce under the faucet...

I guess we could smash its little head on a rock or something, but just FYI -- I love you, but I'm not biting into some bloody, half-dead fish. I've been to the Himalayas, so I already know what it's like to be HORRIBLY SICK WHILE FREEZING MY ASS OFF. It isn't pretty.

Still, the idea of Seth catching a fish and briefly renouncing his vegetarianism I find to be an intriguing proposition. I told him we should go one step further and try to catch that fish with our bare hands, or a spear, or maybe even a gun. At which point, not only am I totally in, but I’ll start booking the flights today!

Even though in the above photo Seth and I are out on the ice in front of people ice fishing, I can’t give it a Sober Fun rating at this time, because I haven't done it yet. I will let you know soon, though, if it’s a fun time, or still just as boring as any other fishing. My suspicion is that it is still boring, but now, cold and boring.

However, I'm always down to get in the water and WATCH THE FISH. Scuba diving is great, it's like being inside a screensaver.