Shots Fired Downstream

Durango, Colorado

The quickest and easiest way to look like you know what you're doing in a raft, is to try and find out beforehand when and where along the river the company photographer will be.

Make no mistake, there will be photographers hiding on the bank along the way. But if you ask in advance, the group leaders will usually be able to give you a pretty good idea as to where they'll be posted. Remember, they want you to buy their photos.

During the rafting adventure, once I see that the photos are happening, I like to try and very quickly run through a gamut of different poses, ranging from profile to head-on, from playful to intense, but always the all-important taught and prominent bicep.

I know, I know, it's a lot to remember and it takes a bit of practice, but don't worry, before you know it, you too will soon be able to deceive people into thinking you know what you're doing on a white water raft.

For my Sober Fun rating of White Water Rafting, and to learn what to do when your friend Heather (or anyone, I suppose) falls out of the raft and into Level 4 rapids on the White Salmon River, please click HERE. You'll notice I didn't quite have my camera poses down quite yet...