Camels vs Horses

Giza Necropolis, Egypt

No matter how much you love horses, you have to admit, it is pretty cool the way the camels do something that horses simply won't: they allow you to board them while in a low, seated, very accessible position. Even with the very best horse, no amount of training is going to change the fact that you are going to need to figure out how to scramble up onto it's back and mount it while it stands.

Not so with camels, they will gladly come down from their lofty heights and assume a prone position, allowing you to gingerly hop on their backs. This is because they enjoy nothing more than to spend their days taking human tourists on short, predetermined, distances and then posing for the exact same photo, again and again.

My camel loves doing this so much, he even appears to be smiling. Unlike my RETARDED CAMEL in Jordan.

Much in the same way that it is unclear to me whether Elephants like for us to help bathe them, I am still uncertain whether horses enjoy being ridden -- both of which are topics I contemplate HERE.