Kathman Doo-Doo


Yep, I went there.

No. I mean the photo above, I physically went there, in that toilet stall. Har har.

But seriously, the entire time I was in that stall (well, after thinking of my Kathmandoo-doo joke) I was obsessed with how I could somehow steal that Poo sign. I love it. Stealing is bad and wrong and I do not advocate it in most circumstances, but sometimes you have to make an exception. Plus, you can see they clearly have two, it wouldn't be total pandemonium if one should go missing.

I have an entire guest bathroom in my house that I decorate with bathroom signs and photos of toilets from around the world, and this sign would undoubtedly be the crowning jewel of my collection. In a pinch, though (get it?), I decided I can always just enlarge and isolate the sign from this photo, blow it up (again, ha!) and frame that. It's the whole reason we shoot in hi-def, right? Besides, I may or may not have tried to take the sign in a moment of weakness, and found that of all things for Nepal to do with great proficiency, this Poo sign seemed to have been glued down with some kind of government, industrial-strength, adhesive. I cut my finger trying to pry it off and and accepted that for whatever reason, the Universe didn't want me to have the sign.

Also, speaking of crowning and pinching, you'll notice the sign imagery is surprisingly explicit. Upon closer inspection, however, I think that what's right under his bum might actually be the toilet hole, and not what I originally thought it was. Still. What an overly instructive sign for what turned out to be one of the more straightforward and easily navigable restrooms. Where was my sign for THIS CONFUSING ROOM?