Look At Me!

Everest Region, Nepal

I know it's hard to believe, but I seriously am not joking when I say I have never had a Facebook account. But I assume this is the kind of thing that people might post -- a selfie photo of themselves trekking around in the Everest Region of Nepal towards Base Camp? Some of the tea houses we slept at during Week 1 of our trek had decent internet, so I guess posting photos would have technically been possible. I wouldn't know, I was too busy ACTUALLY DOING STUFF!

Important! From clean water to battery charging, the tea house counter people control ALL HELPFUL THINGS!, so be nice! Also, fun fact, there are very few places you can go in this world where you will be unable to find a Snickers Bar.
Important! From clean water to battery charging, the tea house counter people control ALL HELPFUL THINGS!, so be nice! Also, fun fact, there are very few places you can go in this world where you will be unable to find a Snickers Bar.

You didn't want to piss these folks off. They controlled the internet and the Snickers bars.

There was one moment of weakness back in like 2003, when I had a friend pull up their Facebook account, so I could see if an ex-boyfriend had gotten fat, but the whole thing quickly turned sour when I saw that he, in fact, had. It felt dirty and sneaky and wrong, and that is the last time I ever looked at Facebook, even over someone else's shoulder. So, unless it hasn't changed since 2003, then my mental image of what Facebook looks like is admittedly perhaps a bit outdated.

I did however try online dating for a while, and quickly had to reevaluate the photos I had chosen to post, after more than one person guessed that maybe my occupation was some sort of summer camp councilor. Touché, gentlemen, you are incorrect, but I can see how when all my outdoor adventure photos are grouped together, one might arrive at that conclusion. (I am curious, though, what summer camp you know of that has fully grown AFRICAN ELEPHANTS?)

This elephant could bartend, read about that HERE.

Friends joke that I am always dressed as if some sort of impromptu wilderness hike might break out at any moment, even at unlikely places like the airport. And I can see that, but my main takeaway from most of my photos is that I've basically had on the same outfit for about 20 years. Oh, and that apparently, I really like caps and little puffy black vests.

I was surprised by how many suspension bridges we crossed along the EBC.
I was surprised by how many suspension bridges we crossed along the EBC.

Not only were all three of these photos not taken on the same day, they are each about 4 years apart, spanning over a decade. Is your mind blown yet?

And don't worry, on the last photo, the little black vest is still there, it's just in my backpack.