Wakeboard Surfing is Sexy!

Lake Powell, Arizona

This is an excerpt from a larger list, where I give various activities a Sober Fun rating of 1-10. Entries from this list are scattered throughout my website, or you can find that complete list HERE.


A DAY ON THE LAKE IN A BOAT, with Planned Activity: 9

Whether the others in the group are drinking or not, if there is an activity planned, this totally changes things. The more athletic the activity the better, I say! If you are lucky enough to have a wakeboarding boat, or even just water skis, then this is a game changer. So long as you have the foresight to bring adequate amounts of food, I give this a time allotment of All Day, and a Sober Fun rating of 9.

The guy above is obviously super sexy, and the only reason this boating activity gets an SF rating of 9 and not 10, is due to the fact that you are still technically trapped. All decisions must still be determined collectively by the group, and you can't just up and leave if you feel like it, should things turn sour.