Icy Me Drinking

Höfn í Hornafirði, Iceland

This is an excerpt from a larger list, where I give various activities a Sober Fun rating of 1-10. Entries from this list are scattered throughout my website, or you can find that complete list HERE.



You will notice that I have a personal predilection for activities that combine athleticism and nature, especially when enjoyed with other, like-minded, physically fit adults. The opposite of this would be some kind of indoor amusement park surrounded by small, fat children, and so I don’t even bother rating such activities or including them on my list. That sounds awful, and like a surefire way to relapse. If this is your life, you probably deserve to drink, no one is judging you.

Well, maybe your kids are.

No worries, soberly make up for lost time by taking them on a wildly expensive TRIP TO ICELAND. Nothing says "let me buy your love and make up for lost time" quite like an exotic day of hiking and boating through glaciers!

It really is a once in a lifetime, beautiful, magical experience, these glaciers, and many of them are so isolated, that if you and your kids want to argue or cry about all the things you did while drinking, they are often so remote that no one will be around to judge or shame you!

Again, except for your kids, so on second thought, maybe leave them behind. Or RENT THEM A WAVE RUNNER for the day.

"All Things Glacier" gets an SF rating of 10 from me, and I suggest you drop everything and go see them right now. Do it each day for as long as you can afford; because after all, even though you might be sober, back in your kids' lives, and here to stay, these majestic glaciers might not be.

Bring every camera and lens you own.

You can read more about a GLACIER IN FRANCE I have no recollection of visiting, or you can read about our SEXY BOAT CAPTAIN in Iceland.


Also, Full Disclosure: while I know global warming is real, I am having to extrapolate a bit about how much fun glaciers will be sober. I'm pretty sure my rating of 10 is accurate, but the fact that this photo is from 2019, combined with the way I'm backwards-palming it, I'd harken to guess there’s more than just heitt kaffi in that cup I'm holding...