The Little Merman

Cairo, Egypt

I've included this photo here because to listen to my partner Seth describe it, I'm pretty sure this is what he thinks of my decorating style, and what he is afraid I intend to do to our home. He is a self-proclaimed minimalist, so to him it must seem like my goal is to keep gathering up little whosits and whatsits from around the world until our HOUSE IS FILLED to absolute capacity, and my bounteous collection of JUNQUE is just spilling forth, out onto the street. In contrast, Seth's favorite style of home decor is cold and austere, and almost every photo he finds and shows me, as examples of the kind of home he'd like to live in, all look like they were taken on a spaceship. A bleak, spartan -- almost antiseptic-- spaceship. Why, Seth, why?!

I'm not going to lie, every time I look at the above photo, I yearn to roll up my sleeves and dive into that man's chaotic store of junk. Who knows what I might find in there, the possibilities are endless! It is so full of stuff, the owner can't even fit inside his own store. I love it!

But don't worry Seth, even though I do find cluttered, anthropological collections of bizarre and half-broken things to be infinitely more appealing than any of the depressing, clinical designs you show me from your futuristic, spaceship-houses, I can recognize that this man's store leans towards the junky side, and this is not what I'm trying to do to our home.

But THIS IS!!!!