Penisberg: Global Warming Sucks and This Iceberg Was Being a Dick

Published April 13, 2024

Glacier Lagoon, Iceland

Iceberg photos are hard to name. I'm not trying to be crass here, but let's be honest, when you have hundreds of iceberg photos that you are trying to name and keep track of... and they are all blue and icy and vaguely similar... butttttttt, one of them kinda looks like a penis? Well, you go with it.

Otherwise I'd just have a folder full of either frustratingly insipid file names (like, hold on, was that Iceberg #76 or Iceberg #77 that kind of looked like a dick?), or I'd end up with a bunch of pretentiously artistic, bullshit names that I'd also never be able to keep track of or remember (wait, did I drunkenly decide to call that one Protuberance of a Psychotic's Dreamscape or Icy Ennui...?).

Sure I could try to use location names, but in Iceland, many of the places have long, tedious names that involve using special characters. For example, this photo was taken near höfn i hornafirði.

Wtf? That sort of just looks like I passed out face down on the computer keyboard, and smashed a bunch of keys with my cheek.

Back when I was still drinking, passing out on my keyboard wasn't completely out of the question, so this one ended up being called "Penisberg" for obvious (if somewhat lazy) reasons. Personally, when I see a file name like that, it lets me know that I was probably buzzed but still playfully functional, and that only some, but not all, of my photo edits need to be reexamined the next day.

ICY ME DRINKING: the fact that this photo is from 2019, combined with the way I'm backwards-palming it, I'd harken to guess there’s more than just "heitt kaffi" in that cup I'm holding...
ICY ME DRINKING: the fact that this photo is from 2019, combined with the way I'm backwards-palming it, I'd harken to guess there’s more than just "heitt kaffi" in that cup I'm holding...

You can read more about Iceland HERE.

Or, if you thought this was off-color, wait until you see our sexy boat captain attempt to DEEP THROAT A PIECE OF THE GLACIER.

Finally, for my thoughts and photos about Icelandic glacial boating adventures in general, try THIS.