If A Bear Shits...

Pokhara, Nepal

If a bear shits in the woods, and no one’s around to hear it, did it make a sound? 

If you don’t recognize this, that’s because it is yet another of my Dad’s weird COLLOQUIALISM JUMBLES, and clearly not a real saying. It’s a haphazard amalgamation of two different and unrelated platitudes. 

But it got me to thinking, is that how we have cartoon bears advertising toilet paper? I can’t think of any other connection to bears and toilet paper, other than the “Does a Bear Shit in the Woods?” saying.  And I guess some ad exec decided, “Clearly the answer is yes, they do, and also they are blue and use toilet paper, and now they are our company mascots and spokespersons and if you don’t mind, I’m going to go spend the rest of my acid trip quietly in my office.  Thank you.” 


I teach you all that I know about surviving a bear attack HERE!!