My Bucket List: Bottom of the Barrel

Everest Region, Nepal

In America, you can basically find any type of food that you are looking for, foods that originated from all over the globe. But regardless of where it came from, you can rest assured that it's probably going to end up in the same place: One of our lovely "western" style toilets.

Friends will travel somewhere abroad and return home telling you, "Oh my god, you have to try this new dish I discovered," and then belabor the point that it was somehow so much better "over there."

But you know one thing you are never going to hear anyone say that about? That it was better "over there?" That would be the toilets.

That is because they are not better, toilets around the world are pretty much all terrible.

However, I will admit, they do come in different varieties of terrible. What you see pictured above was pretty much bottom of the barrel. Also, fun times, it involved having to mess with an actual barrel, with water at the bottom, that you had to scoop out using a filthy bucket.

TREKKING in the Himalayas is on many people's "Bucket List," but oddly enough, you will invariably return home with an actual List of Buckets you've used, and used in the most unexpected of ways.

Trekking in the Himalayas is on many people's "Bucket List," but oddly enough, you will invariably return home with an actual List of Buckets you've used, and used in the most unexpected of ways.
Trekking in the Himalayas is on many people's "Bucket List," but oddly enough, you will invariably return home with an actual List of Buckets you've used, and used in the most unexpected of ways.