Not Me

"Although I have a wide variety of interests in a great number of things, photojournalism never interested me; I couldn't stand the idea that my photos would need to adhere so closely to the truth."
- Ryan Covington
Me for Info Button Square


I am not always very active in the sober community, but my photography (and sobriety) has taken me on a lot of interesting and spectacular journeys. While overcoming my own addictions, my international photography became something new and transformative as well, as I was able to experience (and capture on film) many different people, places, and cultures that also struggle to make sense of daily life— one day at a time.

I figured that the least I could do is share those experiences. Many of the more participatory activities I rate on a SOBER FUN SCALE from 1-10, and I explain why I think they are or are not good bets for a person living in sobriety today. They are sprinkled around my website, and like all my photo stories, you can decide if reading them is right for you.