
Spradling Residence Backyard Aerial ViewCovington's Landscape Designer Cindy Huddleston Gets Colorful in Bed!Collier Residence Palms, Rain Wall, and JacuzziFor a Small Area, I'm a Big FanCovington Residence: A Japanese Maple Showing Glorious Fall ColorCook Residence Fireplace and BeyondMcCurry Residence JacuzziApril Showers Bring May... Bathtubs.Covington's Designer Steve Malone: Statue + Fountain = Drama!Collier Residence Fire Urn and SetteeGandy Residence Creek Bed: Dry But Not Humorless!Covington Residence Cabana and DeckTeal Residence Tropical Wading Pool with WaterfallsPlaying It By EarWoodson Residence Unique Pot of PebblesCovington's Designer Steve Malone's Residence: Waterfeature and Garden BenchHockersmith Residence Pool Cook Residence Path, Pergola and ChairsFloren Residence: Modern Minimalism with a Pastoral Sunset ViewRicker Residence Curb Appeal
"For me, both photography and landscaping are similar in a fundamental way: I am often choosing not to accept things the way they really are, but am instead turning them into what I wish they could be."
- Ryan Covington
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It has always been fascinating to me how residential landscapes can be so natural and yet so fake, so contrived, all at once. The dichotomy is mesmerizing.

I'll show people pictures of a yard I shot, maybe even my own yard, and they'll say, "Oh how beautiful, I wish I could see it in person!"

And I'm thinking, "Why would you want to do that? Do you have any idea how long it took me to get it to look like this? You realize that it doesn't just stay this way, right? What's happening in this photo is about as good as it gets, Buddy. No need to come over and spoil the fantasy!"

For a peak behind the curtain, CLICK ON ANY PHOTO to learn more.