Covington's Designer Steve Malone's Residence: Arbor

Greater Dallas Metroplex

Just like many great storytellers and film directors, Covington's designer STEVE MALONE is able to create dramatic, engaging landscape designs in all different genres and styles:

Landscaping as Art


Now hear me out, this will eventually be about landscaping… I promise!

But when I’m out photographing yards, I often think about great film directors, and how there’s some directors that have a very distinct and recognizable style. They have a set genre they work in, they tend to reuse a lot of the same actors, they’ve perfected a certain style of film, and they do it again and again. Tim Burton.

Then you have other great directors that are all over the map, making amazing films in all different styles and genres. Think about Ridley Scott.

"Alien," "Thelma and Louise," "Gladiator" — these are all amazing films, but the only thing they have in common, is that they’re all amazing. Right?

Well, just like with any art form, there’s different styles, different “genres” of landscaping. And sometimes you get a landscape designer that is really good at doing one particular type of yard. They have a recognizable style, they probably tend to reuse a lot of the same plants, … and so long as you like that style, that’s great! You know what you’re getting!

There are some landscape designers that have a very specific and recognizable style.
There are some landscape designers that have a very specific and recognizable style.

But then you get a landscape designer like Steve Malone.

He’s been with our nursery, Covington’s, for many decades. And when I look back through all my pictures… of the yard designs I’ve photographed of his over the years…

Well, it occurred to me, he’s kind of like Ridley Scott! (stay with me here...) He is able to master so many different styles of landscape design, and the only real theme connecting all of his work, is that they are all consistently amazing!

Here. Let’s just look at some of his work together, shall we?


This yard is absolutely enchanting. It’s charming and playful, with elements of magic and whimsy throughout, and the quaintness of the provincial countryside, but at the same time, also very grand and quite refined:

Switching gears entirely, looking at this next poolscape here it’s hard to believe it’s even the same designer. It’s sunny and tropical and even though it’s a residential yard, it has all of the panache and over-the-top spectacle of a stylish hotel. Simply magnificent for entertaining:

Now compare it with this totally different poolscape here, and there’s almost no similarities at all. These homeowners didn’t want a tropical look, in fact, they told Steve they wanted something more like a deciduous forest! So, notice all the huge shade trees coming up through the deck, and the cottage-like stone structure, perfect for cozy nights by the fire:

For this next poolscape here, the style changes yet again! Even though this house buts up to Lake Ray Hubbard, all the natural, multilevel stonework and intimate bistro tables gives the impression of a Mediterranean cliffside retreat. Being there you really are transported to another place:

Next, for this series of small ponds and water features, the homeowner wanted something wild and untamed and very natural looking, and Steve delivers yet again, using many Texas native plants and edgeless, organically shaped bed designs:

Speaking of organic, check out this vegetable garden— again a testament to how when Steve designs something, he designs the best possible version that thing imaginable. This raised garden is not only extremely convenient and practical, but it’s also the rarest thing of all for a home veggie garden, it’s aesthetically beautiful as well:

I could do this all day, seriously, but I just wanna show you one more— this reminds me so much of Italy, but modern Italy. Which is rare here in the suburbs of Dallas, you get a lot more of that faux Tuscan villa thing but not a lot like this:

There are so many more of Steve Malone’s designs that I want to include here, but to see more, and maybe get some inspiration for your own yard, you can see more of my photography at COVINGTONNURSERY.COM.

Whatever style of project it is you have in mind, Steve can design it, maybe even better than you even imagined possible. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll be over there photographing your yard!

Let’s Grow, Together!

Oh and go back and watch "Gladiator," it holds up phenomenally. (As do most of Ridley Scott's films, actually...) But start with "Gladiator."