Making Light

Dallas, Texas

I realize that I have chosen to approach my DRINKING AND DRUG HISTORY with self-deprecating humor and total HONESTY, and that I have done so possibly at the expense of my dignity and pride. This was done knowingly and willingly, but truth be told, it wasn’t really all that much of a choice.

My desire to tell these stores is much greater, it turns out, than my need to convince anyone that I’m a swell and upstanding guy. This might be my arrogance speaking, and perhaps it’s a bit presumptuous, but I feel like anyone who meets me will figure out for themselves pretty quickly that I am a person of credibility and integrity.

Besides, humor is my savior. If I was unable to make light of all this — of my addictions and all the crazy things I’ve done and all the horrible places I’ve been— I might still be there in the dark.

Not everyone makes it out, and even fewer come out ready to shamelessly share their stories. Myself, both with pictures and with words, I have chosen to make light.

And finally, I realize than in professing humor as my chosen path, I have just penned some of the most serious and unfunny words I’ve ever written.


I wanted so badly to leave it on that poignant note, but I couldn't resist at least telling you that in the photo above, although it might look like I'm a circuit party or something, I kid you not, this was me DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS. It was a very drunk year and I was supposed to be decorating the Christmas tree but woke up with these beads all in my mouth, who knows.

The tree turned out stunning though, that much I remember...