Reasons Uncovered

Everest Region, Nepal

Even though the worst of it appears to be behind us, the unexpected ways in which Covid19 forever changed our world continues to surprise me. I'm not even talking about the huge things, like how it disrupted the film industry, and might have permanently changed people's movie viewing habits and preferences. Any good psychic could have predicted that a worldwide virus might have that effect.

No, I'm talking about smaller things, like even just my perception of a given situation. In Nepal, it took me getting horribly sick with a respiratory infection before I figured out that all the people HIKING THE EBC with masks on, or gators around their mouths, weren't doing so out of any misguided, lingering concern for Covid (like I initially assumed) but were doing so for a much older and more relevant reason.

They trekked with coverings over their mouth and nose to both attenuate the effects of the poisonous, POLLUTED AIR, and also to keep all the windblown dust from getting into their lungs.

Geez, I wished someone would have explained that to us on the outset -- the real reason why everyone was wearing masks. And maybe they did, but between the language barrier and my tendency to start yelling about how I was vaccinated anytime anyone uttered anything about masks or mouth coverings, I trekked for days without anything over my mouth. And, not surprisingly, I became quite ill, quite quickly.

All I'm saying is that if I would have shown up to the Himalayas to trek the EBC just a few years earlier and saw that everyone else was trekking with some sort of fabric covering around their faces, you better believe I would have been the first to wear one too! I would trust that they knew from experience something that I did not, and I damn sure would have bought myself a mask.

But my support of the vaccines combined with my polarizing disdain for wearing Covid masks had clouded my judgement, and ultimately, my lungs. I am constantly fascinated by MISUNDERSTANDINGS, and how our perception of reality alters our actual reality, and so in hindsight, I am realizing that the lasting effects of Covid on our perception of the world at large, may be far from done with us yet.


I explain HERE how God owed an alcoholic a huge favor, and together they came up with the Corona Virus.