Who's A Good Boy?

Telluride, Colorado

So, for many, many, months -- basically since Covid began -- I had been wearing a little white paisley half-bandana around my neck, that I randomly found in a closet at my house. I wore it everywhere, especially working outside at the nursery; it was my favorite, because it’s just a lightweight triangle, and not as bulky or hot as a doubled-up, full-on bandanna. Also, I thought it was oddly kind of sexy.

Well, it was starting to get a bit dingy, and so one day I decided that I would order a bunch more of them online. But I quickly encountered a problem, I couldn’t seem to find any small bandannas matching the same size measurements as mine.

And that (I now know) is because since May of 2020, I had apparently been wearing a bandanna for pets.

I mentioned my suspicion/discovery to my friend MARIA, who is a dog owner, and she took one look at it around my neck and said, “Oh yes, most definitely, that is 100% the cheap little miniature bandana piece that they jauntily wrap around your dog’s neck when it comes out of the groomers. I thought you knew that.”

No Maria, no I did not. I thought it was sexy. Jesus, how many pictures do I have of me wearing this pet bandana?

Furthermore, when my birthday came around, I received a package from my friend MARGAUX, and it contained about a dozen little pet bandanas. Huh. So I guess everyone was aware but me that I was wearing dog accessories? I especially liked the one that said, "Who's a Good Boy?"

Oooh! Oooh! I know this one! Is it me?