One Man's Trash Is Another Man's...

My House, Dallas, Texas

... trash at a new location. Haha, no but seriously. If one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, then my yard is simply filled with… "treasures."

I totally bought into the whole philosophy of INCORPORATING WHIMSY into my yard through found objects, and at one point it had gotten so bad that I could barely drive down the street on bulky trash pickup day without filling up my entire Jeep with junk. Everyone had put out things they didn’t want out in the curb, probably for a reason, but all I saw were untold possibilities. Projects and future planters, all of it!

I have since learned to restrain myself, somewhat, but that is most likely because my yard is FILLED TO CAPACITY with oddities and miscellaneous whatsits, and can’t really hold one more additional piece of “whimsy.” There are so many architectural elements and unidentifiable thingamabobs with plants growing out of them, the little mermaid would love it here. Hell, I love it here!

Oh and I can’t forget another enabler of my addiction to broken things— OUR NURSERY. My family owns a plant nursery and so when I worked retail, anytime anything broke or was deemed unsellable, well, you can probably guess where it ended up. Sometimes I would bring home damaged things that even I would immediately regret, because it really was just straight-up trash. A certain broken, termite-infested window comes to mind, as well as one dilapidated dresser with three legs…

And so then I would drag the disqualified junk out to my own curb…… only for someone else to pick it up within the hour!

Ah. Crisis averted and the cycle of addiction continues…


Read more about my world of Exterior Decorating HERE and HERE!