The New Juck Treep

My House, Dallas, Texas
I did not shoot the above photo, it is from "The Internet."
I did not shoot the above photo, it is from "The Internet."

Historically, Jeep has consistently had THE best car commercials, filmed in some of the most stunningly beautiful locations on earth. For decades, they’ve sold a whole outdoorsy lifestyle, with the Jeeps always plowing over boulders in rugged terrain or splashing though a small river in the mountains.

In fact, Jeep commercials are actually what got me initially interested in CAMPING— no joke— because they made me want to physically live inside their beautiful, adventurous ads.

I’ve planned whole trips based on what the sexy, woodsy, people were doing in a 20-second Jeep commercial.

I’ve downloaded amazing songs (here’s looking at you, “Renegades,” by X Ambassadors), that I originally discovered while watching a Jeep commercial.

However, I was a bit on the fence about how I felt towards the new Jeep-Truck hybrid, and the above ad wasn’t especially winning me over. Even Jeep seems unsure about exactly what it is they’ve made, or worse yet, how to sell it.

With that little hiccup of a truck bed, they can’t really focus on it’s hauling capacity the way that most traditional truck commercials do, but I’m guessing the truck bed is still unwieldy enough to take river-splashing and boulder-conquering off the table?

Introducing the new Juck:

(Oh what’s that? We’ve decided to go with Gladiator? Gotcha. I’ll start again.)

Introducing the new Jeep Gladiator. It’s half truck but all Jeep— perfect for exploring other innovative, hybrid spaces like this mixed-use brick industrial building of retail and loft living. Load up your gear!

Also, I’m assuming that it’s photographed in the middle of an intersection because the driver has realized he can’t fit into the normal sized parking spaces that he could with his Jeep Wrangler, and is still looking for a spot to park his Treep.

(No, no I know. We went with Gladiator. That’s right. Sorry. Start again).

So c’mon all you adventurers, bring all your gear, and let’s load it all into the new Jeep Gladiator! Yeah!

But just don’t bring too much gear, like leave that, and toss that and oh THAT certainly won’t fit in the tiny, comical, truck bed... unless you’re okay with it getting wet… you know what—it’ll be great, we’ll be fine! Cuz after all, how much stuff do we really need, to go to this downtown Starbucks.


Jeep Gladiator!

Alexa, play “Renegades” while we look for street meter parking.


Update and Full Disclosure: You can see that not too long after writing this, I BOUGHT A JEEP GLADIATOR, haha.