Moroccan Door #54

Ait Zineb, Ouarzazate Province, Morocco

Originally located in the legendary city of Ouarzazate (where much of Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" was filmed), this is perhaps where my obsession with exotic doors reached its climax. Shortly after seeing this amazing carved Berber door, I found a local artisan that was willing to carve me a perfect replica, and ship it back to Dallas to be built into my new home.

A lot of people fall in love with an exotic place they are visiting and start dreaming up ways they could possibly move/live there. I, on the other hand, do the exact opposite: I start trying to figure out ways I can bring a piece of that place and culture home with me.

Case in point, this door in Ouarzazate. I scoured Morocco until I found a team of artisans that could carve me a door in a similar Tuareg/Berber style, and now I have this beautiful Moroccan door that will feature prominently in my home, leading into my office.

Will Seth have to duck his head a bit in order to pass through it? Almost definitely*. But… I mean… what is he doing in my office anyway? Get outta here, Seth! This is Ryan World.

Go to your own office with its boring un-keyhole-shaped entry and normal height clearance.

Keyhole means Me-hole!

*Seth, my partner, is one inch (1 in) taller than me in height, a fact which he reminds me of constantly.


(Some) Doors of Morocco

If you think all of this door business sounds crazy, just humor me and go down THIS RABBIT HOLE with me for a bit; and tell me you don't come out the other side with more than a few doors picked out for your home that you simply can't live without! They're mesmerizing!