Their Backs

Luxor Temple, Egypt

The Unexpected Comedy Stylings of... These Guys?

Like so many holy/religious men the world over, these guys WANTED MONEY. I found them endearing, though, because at least they were honest and good-spirited about it.

They had a whole shtick worked up, almost in a Laurel and Hardy sort of style, which was nostalgically refreshing, if not a tad odd -- considering where we were.

Also, sadly, they weren’t very funny.

But hey. Comedy is hard, and so I gave them some money nonetheless. Also, if I’m being honest, it’s possible I didn’t quite understand the subtle nuances of Egyptian temple humor.


Read here about the HOLY BABAS of Nepal who, as luck would have it, also wanted money.

Or if you want real comedy, then I think you want THIS very special (retarded) photo-ruining camel.

More than once, I became hot and tired and could have easily been talked in to renting another camel. But every single time, the wranglers would painstakingly go and get THIS same camel again. As far as they were concerned, this was the camel for me, this was my camel. Thanks guys.
More than once, I became hot and tired and could have easily been talked in to renting another camel. But every single time, the wranglers would painstakingly go and get THIS same camel again. As far as they were concerned, this was the camel for me, this was my camel. Thanks guys.