James Bond Island 2

Phang Nga, Thailand

Just like all the movies, James Bond Island apparently has a sequel (maybe several?), because our canoe guide just kept calling the tall, narrow, pillar-like formation of earth you see far off in the distance "James Bond Island 2." Maybe that's its actual name? I'm not sure.

If none of this is making any sense, that's because you totally have to see THE FIRST ONE in order to understand. You can't just start with the sequel, duh.

As a side note, I talk a lot about certain times when it might be appropriate to shoot on your iPhone rather than with all your fancy camera gear and expensive lenses, even though you might have them with you. For me, this was one of those times.

In order to canoe into this system of mangrove caves and magical grottos, you have to first travel for several hours on a different, bigger watercraft, and then launch your canoes into the open ocean off of that larger boat. We had a guide that was prepared to do all of the canoe paddling for us through the caves, but after what happened to my DREADED CANOE in Canada (and then again on Lake Powell) bringing my nice camera with me had Bad Idea written all over it. Luckily I was with a group of friends who reminded me that my wallet, iPhoneX, keys, and half a fifth of whiskey were all still down at the bottom of a Canadian river. Which is why this time I played it safe, brought nothing other than my iPhone 14 Pro Max, and everything went smoothly and without incident.

Hooray for SOBRIETY!

Here's a fun video about the magnificent toilets of James Bond Island:

James Bond: Mistaken Not Turd