Irish Inspiration

Glengarriff, Ireland

Irish Inspiration

Some people travel to beautiful places and immediately start dreaming up ways they could somehow move there, live there… or at the very least, buy a vacation home there.

I do the exact opposite!

My family owns a nursery and garden center in North Texas, so when I see something beautiful abroad, my first thought is—- how can I somehow bring this beauty back home with me?! Is there a way I can re-create at least a small aspect of this magic back at my house in Dallas?! I bet there is! 😁

This was certainly the case with the lovely Irish manor garden you see here. And even as I was walking the path with my camera, my immediate* thoughts were about how I would definitely be sharing my photos with our nursery customers as soon as I returned home, as a source of inspiration for their own residential landscapes.

*Actually, that’s a lie. Lol 😜

My VERY first thought was that the place I was currently standing in was almost EXACTLY the way I pictured The Secret Garden looking when I read the book as a small child. It was like my childhood imagination had somehow manifested itself around me! It was surreal.

But my SECOND thought was certainly about how this garden might provide helpful inspiration to our Covington’s customers, as well for myself and my own garden . ☺️