Dog and Blue Walls

Chefchaoen, Morocco

I follewed this dog for almost an hour, and we eventually wound up here.

No matter where in the world I am, there's always Coca-Cola. Usually Snickers, too. They are like the two most consistent and dependable American products, in my opinion.

But that's not what this photo is about, I actually took it because the back wall of the Chefchaoen city is the kind of texture I want in my house. I'm pretty sure the Universe sent that little dog from heaven to lead me here so I could see the wall's beauty and how spectacular it would be as a texture for my living room wall. It's crumbling and beautiful and perfect, buuuuuuuuut... yeah.

How do we achieve that?!? Ugh. More on this as the story develops. I'm currently hunting for a skilled mason.


In the mean time, you can read about my vision for Moroxico (Population: 1) HERE!