Penguin Epiphany!

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

I was with my mother at arguably the very southernmost tip of the African continent, the Cape of Good Hope, when I had the surprise realization that not all penguins are cold weather animals that live in the iciest of places with Morgan Freeman.

No, it was quite warm here on the beach, but the penguins seemed to love it nonetheless. They were lively and happy and yet I just couldn’t seem to get my head around the juxtaposition of warm sandy beaches and penguins! It was blowing my mind, and I suspect the penguins probably get this reaction a lot. They’re probably used to it, if not annoyed by it.

I bet they wish Morgan Freeman would come and live with them and narrate their lives for a while… get the word out that sometimes penguins live on warm beaches.

There was also an ostrich running around (not pictured), which of course, immediately reminded me of another movie, The Swiss Family Robinson.

However, I did not get the sense that this ostrich wanted me to ride it.

I bet you this is another misconception. It’s probably the main misunderstanding that the ostriches have to deal with o a regular basis— that they’d like to be ridden around the island like a racehorse.

Jeez. All these childhood movies have really done me a disservice. I apologize, Animals. 😝

When I get to Antarctica in November, I wonder what other misconceptions will be dispelled? I’m totally prepared for there to be, like… surprise armadillos sunbathing out on the ice floats or something. 🤪