I've GONE To Kathmandu!

Kathmandu, Nepal

Before doing any research whatsoever about Kathmandu, all I knew about the city is that when I told anyone that it’s where Kimby and I would be flying into, to begin our trek in the Himalayas, it caused everyone from my parent's generation (or older) to announce in a sing-song fashion, “I’m going to Kathmanduuuuuuuu!” Even though they weren’t.

They repeated the K-k-k-kay and then elongated the last part of the word, like a howling dog, so I gathered that this was somehow important. Apparently, they were doing this because a musician named Bob Segar wanted to go there, or was thinking about going there, and sang about it in a popular song from the 70s. To this day, I have never heard the full song, so I do not know if Mr. Segar ever made it to Kathmandu, or what he might have done once he got there. I did try listening to the song, briefly, but quickly realized it wasn’t going to be very helpful in planning my trip, seeing as how he hadn’t been there yet.

Well, Bob, if you’re still planning on going, I think we should talk, I might have some helpful tips for you. Especially if you are planning to HIKE THE EBC afterwards.

Call me.


Read about Motorcycle Madness! HERE.