Hear Ye, Framing Shepherds!

Al Aqaleta Al Boaairat, Egypt

This happens to be a photo that I framed and hung in my own house, so every time I sat down to write about it, my mind kept wandering to another topic entirely, something that has bugged me for at least two decades.

Pet Peeve Alert!

I recognize that I probably buy picture frames with greater regularity than most people, so my irritation at this is perhaps more inflamed than that of the average person, but can we all just stop for a second and talk about the infuriating yet ubiquitous practice of stores putting price stickers right on the glass of picture frames?

Why, stores, why?!?

There’s a WHOLE SIDE of this product that’s going to be up against a wall or a shelf. A side that will rarely, if ever, be seen— so would you put the price sticker right smack dab on the glass? That’s the part of this product that everyone will see! You’ve created an unnecessary project for the purchaser.

Now, instead of just immediately being able to use the pictures frame, we have to go gather up a bunch of utensils and chemical solutions to try and get this stupid sticker off. In many situations, those little stickers will cling to that glass for dear life. Getting them off will invoke scraping, Goo Gone, soap, hot water, sponges and paper towels… all to get something off that took you half a second to put on. And that you could have just as easily put on the OTHER side!

I think this makes me so angry because I know damn well that whoever it is that’s doing this has had to go through this with a picture frame before themselves, so they know just how frustrating it can be. Yet they put it on the front glass anyways! What a douchebag.

Somehow this has been allowed to go on since time untold, unchecked. I say it’s high time we band together as a nation, nay, as a species, and put an end to this once and for all! Who’s with me?!!



Who do we contact about this?


The main thing I love about the shepherds in the photo above is that they were busy; otherwise, they would have assuredly been HARASSING ME to buy something.