Hilltop Silhouette (without incident)

Bandipur, Nepal

We were hiking high above Bandipur to a Buddhist monastery at sunset and...

That's about it! I got nuthin! lol 😂

Everything here was exactly as it seems... very peaceful and serene, just as it appears in the photo.

And (unlike a TEMPLE IN THAILAND) I didn't even upset anyone or accidentally break the door handle off of their monastery with my surprisingly muscular grip once we finally arrived.

Not that I know of, anyway.

This is just an innocuous, inoffensive photo of a place I visited without incident.

You know what? I'm adding a photograph of the WHITE TEMPLE IN THAILAND here, too (pre-breakage).

You might not be able to tell from the picture, but in my defense, it was deceptively fragile and made of like... fiberglass or delicate plastic or something. The door handle literally shattered in my hand. The temple is beautiful, but very dubiously constructed, if you ask me.

And all the yelling was completely unnecessary, especially since I couldn't understand what they were saying.


If you haven't already figured it out, all the links above lead to THIS STORY.