
"There were so many doors open to me, but I never fully appreciated them until they were closed."
- Ryan Covington, speaking about his life prior to drug addiction and

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"Some doors are best left closed."
- George R.R. Martin

I totally agree, George! Clearly you mean that many doors throughout the world are so beautiful, that they should remain closed, so that I can photograph them, and closed is how they look their best. I hear you loud and clear!

And while closed doors certainly represent both secrets and possibilities, this photo collection of closed doors is most definitely more... literal.

Although I have a wide variety of interests in a great number of things, photojournalism never interested me. I couldn't stand the idea that my photos would need to adhere so closely to the truth. And yet, this is about as close as I have come: this is quite simply a collection of beautiful doors, as they existed at a specific moment in time, at various locations around the world. Nothing more, nothing less.

My original intention and scope were just to photograph the enchanting doors I encountered throughout Morocco; but then I found I was unable to resist shooting more doors in several different countries thereafter, and so likewise, I was unable to resist including them here as well.

However, doors are basically ALL I’ve included here, so this just might be the one and only instance where it is completely safe for you to CLICK ON PHOTOS with absolute confidence! In fact, prepare to be bored to tears: all you’ll find is a location, along with a randomly assigned number for quick and easy reference. Yawn, right?!

Some doors really are best left closed!

"Nothing attracts me like a closed door."
- Margaret Bourke-White