Visit Pamukkale! It’s Very Accessible! Even the ‘Off-Limits’ Areas

Published August 1, 2024

Pamukkale, Türkiye

Visit Pamukkale! It’s Very Accessible— Even the ‘Off-Limits’ Areas

I don’t speak Turkish, but I imagine the conversation between the trespassing father and son duo at the end of my reel went something like this:

“Dad, I don’t think we are supposed to be over here. Isn’t this a restricted, off-limits, area?”

“No son. Why would you think that?”

“Because that’s what all the signs say. And this rope we just stepped over— it says ‘Danger!’”

“Dang it, Son. I forget that you can read now.”

"Well, even if I couldn’t read, that man in the uniform is yelling at us pretty explicitly. I think he’s shouting something about a fine?"

“Yes, he’s saying we’ll be fine. Just so long as you take off your shoes and come right over here to the slippery edge with me.”

“Gee, you’re so much fun, Weekend Dad! It sure is confusing why my mom doesn’t allow you to take me more places…”



❗️For the record, I have no problem with this. My dad would have done the exact same thing, and I’d have loved him for it. 😉