Skis? Please

Published November 9, 2023

A Craft Store in Dallas, Texas

In this particular instance, I feel like flying reindeer are still more believable than skis. 🤣

C'mon guys. If the idea is to try and get a new generation of children and a more inclusive demographic of kids to relate to Santa Claus and believe in the magic of Christmas, are the skis really helping?

I'm kidding about all of this, of course.

In fact, years ago, I met two black skiers on the same day! (Although... now that I think more about it, I'm remembering that it actually turned out to be the same man, he had just changed jackets... Still.)

This little stuffed Santa's beard does remind of a very real person I met while TREKKING IN THE EVEREST REGION of Nepal, this guy:

An epic trek calls for an epic beard, and I like to think that this man started out his EBC journey as a completely clean-shaven young boy.
An epic trek calls for an epic beard, and I like to think that this man started out his EBC journey as a completely clean-shaven young boy.

He didn't have any skis, though.