An Immodest Proposal

Published October 27, 2023

Madrid, Spain

Every time I hear people talking about gender inequality, I get angry. I think to myself, c’mon people, it’s 2023 for Christ’s sake! Why are we still making women cover up their tits in public? Men don’t have to, they can go almost anywhere bare chested, so why not women?

Regardless of whether the law suddenly changed and became less strict on this issue, I suspect many women would continue to cover up their breasts with fabric, but I do think it should be their choice. Why did we ever insist that they cover them up in the first place? Was it just some societal construct based on a religiously fueled sense of modesty? Or was it a more practical concern, like to avoid them getting sunburned or constantly getting snagged on things? Maybe it’s a bit of both.

I honestly don’t know, I’m seriously asking. I don’t find women’s tits attractive, so I don’t care either way (actually, I’d probably prefer they stayed covered up…), but if it isn’t for some health issue, then in the name of equality, I think we should allow women the freedom to decide. If it is your preference, Ladies, then everywhere that men go shirtless, like the jogging trail, public pools, the beach, etc., you should be able to take off all your upper garments as well. Remember, allowing special privileges to some but not others does not equality make!

Likewise, on every major dating site, why is it that they’ve removed all racial preference filters, but still give people the ability to discriminate based on gender? How dare they!

If we are going to pretend that all people are attracted to all ethnicities equally—and it is now considered racist to acknowledge any predilections whatsoever in that area—then shouldn’t we also force everyone to look at the profiles of all genders? To make sure no one’s being homophonic or misogynistic with their own private romantic preferences?

Straight men can see how they like sifting through allllllllllll the tasteless and erotic photos of homosexual guys each day when they open up their inboxes and, of course, we’ll need to force the gay men to look at female profiles, too. Allowing guys to specify that they only like other guys, well, that’s just misogyny outright, and needs to be stopped! We’ll end all racism, homophobia, and misogyny in one fell swoop, right here, on DATING WEBSITES, by forcing people to look at other people they aren’t remotely attracted to.

Yes, similar to removing all the ethnicity filters, we should remove all filters of any kind, and waste everyone’s time, all because of some misguided notion that we need to appear completely unbiased in our romantic pursuits.

Before you say this sounds like a terrible idea, Straight Men, don’t forget that under my new equality proposal, all the women are encouraged to have their tits exposed in their profile pics. You know, for equality. So, there is that

An Enormous Addendum/Fun Fact:

In Italy, they love their gigantic, exposed breasts. An when I say gigantic...

A billboard in Viterbo, Italy.
A billboard in Viterbo, Italy.

I mean, you haven't really lived until you've stood next to a ginormous nipple, larger than the size of your face.