Sarri Red Indians, Shelia's Wearing Pink

Published September 11, 2023

Kathmandu, Nepal

"Don't give me that shit, Shelia, I'm not going to argue with you right now. You know damn well that pink, while technically a shade of red, yes, is not actually red, like we agreed!

"You always pull shit like this. No, there’s no time for you to go home and change, so sure! By all means, sit in the middle, in your pink, and we can just spread out on the sides like we're your f*cking red backup dancers. Ugh, I can't even look at you right now, Shelia..."

**Just to be clear, they weren't speaking English, so I can't be certain this is what they were saying to each other, therefore I took some liberties, but I'm sure it's pretty close.


Can't get enough red and pink?

Read about a red-tailed monkey in Uganda HERE, scuba diving in the Red Sea HERE... and for no good reason, I have on a pink onesie unitard HERE.

I was supposed to be helping out at a neighbor's garage sale, but I found a pink onesie in their clothing pile and put it on in the driveway over my clothes.  Yes, yes, I was still drinking at the time, so God only knows what was in that green cup.  Fun fact, I used to just walk around with party cups full of liquor in the daytime, even when there was no party. What a delight I must have been!
I was supposed to be helping out at a neighbor's garage sale, but I found a pink onesie in their clothing pile and put it on in the driveway over my clothes. Yes, yes, I was still drinking at the time, so God only knows what was in that green cup. Fun fact, I used to just walk around with party cups full of liquor in the daytime, even when there was no party. What a delight I must have been!