Hanging Out in LA

Published September 5, 2023

An LA Fitness Near Me

This guy really puts the "bat" into acrobatics.

If I tried that, I think we'd all quickly discover a stretch that required a stretcher, but then again, I'm not 100% sure that this man's little fancy-pants, upside-down spectacular didn't end in tragedy as well.

He was clearly very good at doing.... whatever this is, but I must add, that I never did actually see him get down from there. He did this special non-exercise for so long, that at one point, it became clear that I was going to have to leave the gym and go to work without ever seeing how (or if) he was able to extricate himself from this position and get down. I kept waiting for him to start indicating that he'd like some help -- like maybe he never made it to the part of the YouTube video where they explained the dismount, and he'd appreciate it if we fetched him a rope or a stool or something -- but he never did.

To be honest, he never did much of anything, other than hang there, and it made me wonder what his life must be like. Did he drive all the way here just to do that? If I could do that, would I drive to random places and do it too? I probably would. And why? Why was he doing that?

I am reminded of this little kid in Uganda, that ran out of his house and did for us the singular most impressive thing he knew how to do -- which was stand on his head.

Read more about Uganda HERE!