Sign Language

Published August 8, 2023

Casa Linda Neighborhood in Dallas, Texas

“Mommy? That’s the same amount we’re gonna offer as a reward for little Yip-Yap, right…?”

“Uh…. Yes, honey. That’s just the amount I was thinking. Give or take…”


These people in my neighborhood recently lost their beloved cat -- which is, of course, sad. Their desire to get him back has been escalating for months now, as has the amount of reward money they are willing to pay. As evidenced on this enormous sign (and many other even larger signs just like it that have been popping up all over my neighborhood), these people are prepared to spare no expense to get their precious Bongo back.

My partner pointed out that it is a very special and expensive cat, whose ears have been specifically bred to point downward instead of up, thus solving the mystery of why the reward price is so high.

And I pointed out that when you give a cat f*cked up, closed-off ears that inhibit the ears' ability to perform their intended function properly, you get a cat that can't hear you calling its name, thus solving the mystery of why it is probably lost in the first place.